Fifteen Years In: My Perspective on What Makes HPA a Most Trusted Partner

by HPA Partner Richard Berger

The consulting industry has undergone a seismic shift in size and composition since HPA’s founding 23 years ago. Once almost exclusively served by monolithic firms like the Strategy Big 3 and the Accounting Big 4, the landscape is now populated by a diverse array of consultancies. And while HighPoint carved out a distinct positioning by offering a level of personalization, agility, and expertise that larger firms struggled to match, it was a harder sell in my early days.

A harder sell because few people knew of or had experience working with our fresh, pragmatic model: bringing together a highly curated and vetted, hybrid team including seasoned independent consultants with practical in-house experience. (Crazy, right?) Regardless of how much our approach made sense to us, it was a big departure from traditional consulting firm teams, which centered on Partners with team members right out of business school and undergrad – this is still their primary offering in most cases. That familiarity deficit left us with the dual challenge of not only raising awareness about our firm, capabilities, and value, but also overcoming perceptions frequently associated with disruptive models.

The great news is, during my 15 years, hundreds of Fortune 1000 firms have experienced HPA support. And that got me thinking about how, over that period, I’ve noticed commonalities among many of HPA’s frequent flyers:

  • Client success: Our repeat clients are confident decision-makers who seek more than just a brand name or transactional service provider; they want a strategic partner that’s deeply invested in their success. This is where HPA shines. You don’t get invited back if you’re not a known global brand or don’t deliver results – you’d better do the second well to make up in the early years for the first!
  • More relevant, experienced team leadership: Rather than a 29-year-old who is three years out of business school, our Principals include battle-tested veterans who bring a unique blend of strategic thinking and industry-relevant operational chops. They’ve sat on both sides of the desk, allowing them to anticipate challenges, develop pragmatic solutions, appropriately manage change, and drive tangible results in the least disruptive way possible.
  • Tailored teams: Unlike larger firms that may cling to rigid and standardized team structures, and for whom office utilization is a primary metric, HPA clients appreciate that we tailor our services to their specific needs. There are no set team sizes or predetermined structures. We collaborate with our clients to bring together bespoke teams – whether it’s a more traditional client team, a teamlet supplemented by several subject matter experts, or a single Senior Advisor to serve as a safe and knowledgeable space for an executive to bounce ideas off. Around 75% of our consulting team grew up and were trained at the large firms. Our experienced consultants, supported by our junior analysts, leverage their classical backgrounds and industry expertise to deliver stellar results.
  • Senior Advisors / Practice Leads: Underlying our core consulting services, we offer Industry & Functional Practice expertise via our C-suite-level Senior Advisors.They provide additional thought leadership and oversight in specific industry, functional, and managerial specialties, enabling us to tackle complex challenges from multiple angles. This, combined with our ability to quickly mobilize specialized teams, positions us for depth in priority areas (e.g., in India offshoring or in Data Analytics architecture).
  • Agility: The business landscape is constantly evolving, and companies must be able to adapt quickly. In 2021-22, with accelerated growth and investment around federal stimulus post-Covid, 70-80% of our work centered on organic and inorganic growth. In 2023, we pivoted to a substantially different mix where 70-80% involved operational transformation and cost efficiency. Our structure enables us to be highly agile and responsive to changing market conditions.
  • Client trust: On relationship-building, our unwavering commitment to transparency builds trust and fosters long-term partnerships. Across the board, HPA clients appreciate knowing exactly who is working on their project and partnering with our team members who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves to get ’er done. As one client has said, we consult with you, not to you. We are more than consultants to our clients; we are trusted partners.

A look ahead

Reflecting on my 15 years at HPA and the 23-year history of the firm, here is what we’ve always been about, and what continues to resonate today:

HighPoint brings elite-quality strategy and execution acceleration teams, along with directly relevant experience and a more productive partnership model, for much better value.

Today, after more than two decades of client results and model validation, HighPoint is hardly the new kid on the block, yet all of us still view ourselves as the scrappy newcomer. While we’ve grown substantially over the years, we still hold ourselves accountable to each client, believing every effort needs to be a homerun (or at least a triple) in the client’s eyes. Overdelivering is the consistent message.

And while the consulting industry has evolved, the core principles of client focus and exceptional value remain attractive in the marketplace. By understanding our clients’ unique challenges and providing tailored solutions, we’ve built a sustainable business model that positions us for continued success. We are confident that our bespoke approach – coupled with our team’s deep experience – will continue to set us apart in the years to come.

Here’s to another 15 years and beyond!

Richard Berger is a Partner with HighPoint Associates and runs the firm’s East Coast office. He joined HighPoint in 2008 and since has worked with clients across industries to solve problems, elevate conversations, and deliver breakthrough results. Prior to joining HPA, Richard spent nearly 20 years in a variety of consulting, operating, and start-up leadership positions. Richard is particularly passionate about helping clients improve and differentiate the customer experience.