2017 Perspectives and a Look Ahead

While 2017 was many things to many people, our job is to make sense of it for our clients and collaborators. One of the ways we do this is through the voices of our Senior Advisors, the personification of our commitment to strategic and operational expertise within our firm.

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Meet Bob Kaplan, Senior Advisor

Bob Kaplan is one of our original Senior Advisors. He works in the fields of strategy, organizational structure and processes, and IT. He acts as a counselor and sounding board for CEOs and other senior level executives. We recently sat down with him to learn more.

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Unwrapping the Holiday e-Commerce Contradiction

A a recent Deloitte survey indicates that Americans plan to spend a majority of their holiday shopping budget online. Meanwhile, in a major Pitney Bowes study of retailers and consumers from around the world, almost half of respondents reported issues, frustrations and an overall experience that did not meet their expectations. So everyone is doing it while almost half of us seem to hate it. What gives?

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Define Your Brand

HighPoint Senior Advisor Anna Minto explores concepts of “Transformation in the Workplace.” “Transformations can be applied anywhere, to services and brands, to thoughts and ideas, even entire organizations. But it always starts with the individual—you.”

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